Keep Swimming in the Autumn Months!
1. Pool & Water Safety
Young swimmers who take a break during the fall and winter months not only lose the basic swimming skills they built over the summer, but crucial water and safety skills too. Practice makes perfect and these skills can only be reinforced through repetition in order to stay in a child’s long-term memory. In the event of being faced with a dangerous or even life-threatening situation, it is more likely for a child who has stopped lessons to forget what to do. Drowning is not a seasonal tragedy. It can happen any time regardless of what the temperature is outside.
2. Skill Retention & Progression
In order for students to retain swimming skills and progress further to more advanced skills, they must practice as often as possible. Just remember the following, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” For young swimmers, a long time away from the pool between summers can mean taking a big step backward in their development and swimming technique. In other words, don't make them start back at the beginning again after they are a year older.
3. Healthy Active Bodies
A common misconception about swimming in the colder months is that the combination of water and cold weather can bring cold, flus, and infections. The truth is that children who spend the fall and winter months swimming are not susceptible to more illnesses. An indoor or outdoor heated pool can help keep a swimmers’ natural defenses against infections strong. In fact, research has shown that physical activity such as swimming can keep lungs clear of mucus, reducing any proneness to respiratory issues. Additionally, swimming can increase appetite, and improve sleep patterns. Both can help strengthen a child’s immunities to fight against winter illnesses.
4. Healthy Minds
Last but not least, swimming is good for keeping minds healthy. Swimming can increase mood, brain development and provide a social outlet for children during the winter months, a time when opportunities for recreation, sport and socialization are reduced. According to a Griffith Institute study, swimming all year long not only helps children build up their swimming and water safety skills, but accelerates the development of visual-motor skills, verbal and cognitive skills. This includes vital skills such as memorization, focus, and problem solving. The study concluded that language development, confidence, physical development were all achieved sooner in swimming children.
In conclusion, fall is a great time for swimming. Winter and spring are too! So as the days become shorter and temperatures begin to drop, remember to keep the swim suit nearby and take a dip whenever possible.

This article is brought to you by: The Swimming Swan